Skylight Replacement | Metal Roof

Frisco log home skylight replacement 31589 FCM

Log home in Frisco, CO has three leaking skylights. The home has one smaller skylight that could be replaced with a standard sized Velux FCM 2246 skylight and some curb modification, while the two larger skylights, 3′ x 6½’, …

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Skylight Retrofit | Acrylic to Polycarbonate

velux polycarbonate dome 25067

Curb Mount Skylight Replacement from Acrylic to VELUX LuxGuard Polycarbonate. Curb mount skylights are common in the Denver metro area. Typically, acrylic domes around 2′ x 4′. And typically energy inefficient, noisy, and susceptible to hail damage. Caught in the hailstorm …

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