New Skylights
Skylight Installs It is easier than you realize to install a skylight into your home. That being said it is also harder to accomplish this project successfully than we make it look. Every install is a little different. Call …
Bringing your world to light.
Skylight Installs It is easier than you realize to install a skylight into your home. That being said it is also harder to accomplish this project successfully than we make it look. Every install is a little different. Call …
Problems with skylight heat This time of year some people experience too much heat gain and/or glare from their skylights. You have several choices:Replace the glazing, Could be a higher performance glass or replace the clear acrylic dome with …
Products available to block the glare from your skylight This time of year some people experience too much heat gain and/or glare from their skylights. You have several choices: Replace the glazing, Could be a higher performance glass or …
Velux has curb mount skylights that are non-operable and operable Velux moved out of the world of supplying only deck mounted skylights many years ago. They have built a very nice curb mount non-operable (fixed) glass skylight (FCM) using …
Velux has an updated Sun Tunnel Model Velux has improved their Sun Tunnel product. It is easier to install, has a factory sealed double glazed ceiling lens and has an adjustable flashing kit for pitched roofs. Velux continues to …
Colorado is an area that has found good uses for skylights Denver, the front range and the entire state of Colorado enjoy the benefits of skylights. Colorado has the most sun days available in a winter climate and therefore …
Access your flat roof through a skylight Roof Doors There are situations where it would be nice to be able to walk up a set of stairs and out a door onto your roof. We get requests for this …
Colorado Mountain and Western Slope We do service skylights in the mountains and the western slope of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. Our shop is in Denver but we travel all over the country, so west slope is close …
New Skylight Product Line We have designed a new product line that allows the use of standard size skylights to fit on custom curbs. In the past we have been frustrated with the curb mount Velux line that was …
Is it Picasa, Picaso, or Picasso? We use software called Picasa that stores our digital pictures that we take of all our estimates and projects. It is an easy software to use and makes it very easy to search …