VELUX FS Replacement | Denver

Re-Framing the Opening

This project took some careful reconstruction before the replacement could be completed. The existing skylight was a somewhat custom installation and didn’t leave many options for replacement once the glass seals failed, which is exactly the reason this customer called us about. One of the most common issues with old skylights is seal failure and this will be obvious once moisture is present between the panes.

Standard Fit

One of the options for replacement was minimizing the opening by a couple inches to fit a standard sized VELUX skylight and that’s exactly what we did. Additional lumber was added to create the specified space needed to install the FS M06 by VELUX. Drywall was then installed over the new framing and prepped for texture & paint by others.

What Is a Deck Mounted Skylight?

deck mount cross

A deck mount skylight—unlike a curb mount skylight—is simply attached directly to the roof deck. Suitable for roof slopes equal or greater than 14° or 3:12

The skylight is then flashed (sealed) to become part of the roof.

A VELUX skylight installed with a VELUX flashing kit is guaranteed leak-free for 10 years.

VELUX Flashing Kit

One of the benefits of going this route was also being able to use the designated flashing kit made by VELUX to weatherproof the skylight. Once the skylight was secured to the roof-decking, we had a nice clean area to work with and applied the ice & water seal along the seam between skylight and roof. The aluminum step-flashing followed and we re-installed the existing roof shingles back into place.

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