On investigation, a flashing leak is indicated.
The curb a skylight sits upon is actually part of the roof. Flashing, typically metal sheeting, is used to interweave with the shingles to create a waterproof seal along the vertical sides of the curb. Properly done, it should remain leak free for at least the life of the shingles themselves.
In this case, the flashing was made by hand, probably using a hammer and scraps of sheet metal, and was not done well by our standards.

They are awesome!
The Skylight Specialist team did a remarkable job! We were very impressed at how quickly they got our skylights in. Jordan’s work ethic was impeccable and he was a very pleasant gentleman to talk to. Can not say enough about this company. They are awesome!
It makes economic sense to replace the skylight when new flashing is needed.
The skylight installed on this home is one of two common skylight sizes from the 1980's found in the Denver area. This one is the smaller one and requires a Velux FCM 2044 skylight as a replacement. While not considered a standard size, thousands of the have been used in Texas and Colorado.
In this particular situation, the flashing was the culprit, but it just makes economic sense to replace the skylight along with new flashing.
The increase in energy efficiency of the Energy Star rated glass skylight will pay for itself in just a few years.

Product Used:
The Skylight:
- Two VELUX FCM 2044 Curb Mount Skylights.
- Custom fabricated aluminum flashing.
- Approx. 2 foot x 4 foot.
Standard Features:
- Clean, Quiet, Safe, Neat Glass
- Velux ten year warranty on product including glass breakage by hail up to 2" diameter.
- Pre-finished white frame.