This custom glazing system was first installed by SSI in 1997.
Skylight Specialists, Inc. first installed the MAGS Bar custom glazing system twenty three years ago and is still in remarkedly good shape. However, one glass unit had failed and required a replacement.

With a glass replacement necessary, this was presented a perfect scenario to give the system a tune-up.
While onsite to replace the failed glass unit it made total sense to wet seal the entire system using a structural silicone sealant. This should extend the life for a minimum of another twenty years.
And of course, we cleaned all the glass!
Twenty+ years later, our expertise showed us we could make a couple of improvements in water flow..
Divert water.
We could see by the leaves and soil built up at the top of the two side units of the skylight, that diverting the water to the outside would be an improvement.

Improve drainage.
One of the improvements we’ve made to our MAGS Bar system since 1997 is what we call a flush cap. This cap replaces the original beauty cap, used twenty some years ago, at the sill of the system. This lowers the “dam” from over a half inch to about one eighth.

Glass replaced, wet sealed, cleaned and improved water flow will keep the system cleaner.