Don’t Procrastinate…

Don’t procrastinate like me! This was so easy Yes even during Covid 19
I’ve lived here since 1985. One of my skylights was always a tiny leak issue, but since my electric line runs close by I assumed it was going to be a bigger deal to replace. But it was noticing cracks in the one over the bathtub, while taking a bath, that made me find the business card I had gotten during last home show in Denver.

I still assumed this was going to be a major project, super heavy units.. and really expensive.. probably require short power outage.I was so wrong and should literally have done this decades ago.

Kenny & Devon did such an excellent job I took pictures. Good thing I’m not a Facebooker or I’d have posted there. Fortunately I remembered to tell them about extra shingles stashed so they made them look perfect!
Judge for yourself