Free Estimates in the Denver Metro Area.
Dome Skylights in Denver
Many metro area homes have 1980’s era acrylic dome skylights on the roof. These skylights—with outmoded technology, materials and design—have been plagued with many problems.
After the estimate—Take advantage of our expertise!
With our 40-plus years of repairing skylights we have the experience and the expertise to effectively evaluate and repair any leak or problem that you are experiencing on your home.
Leaks! — The most common problem solved with repairs. There are many reasons for leaks and a variety of solutions.
Many skylight leaks can be repaired cost effectively and our proposal will reflect this.
One of the issues we often see is an attempt to repair failed skylight seals by applying caulk between an acrylic dome and its frame. This causes two major problems—expansion and contraction stresses are increased dramatically, causing premature cracking and the dome is “glued” to the frame, making it virtually impossible to separate without breaking it. Replacement is the only option.
If your skylight looks like this, expect to replace it!
Flashing leaks are more labor intensive. This is more of a roof repair than a skylight repair, but should be done by someone with expertise in the issues and solutions particular to skylights. Minor problems can be repaired cost effectively and our proposal will reflect this.
If your skylight looks like this, expect to replace it!
Acrylic Dome Replacement
When the flashing is in good condition, replacing a curb mounted skylight can be compared to removing the lid from a shoebox and replacing it with a new lid.
Many skylight problems can be solved with a simple VELUX FCM skylight replacement. A skylight of standard 2’x4′ size may be replaced for as little as $595.

You will gain Clean, Quiet, Safe glass and a 10-year warranty on product including no glass breakage due to hail. And peace of mind.
Many skylight problems can be solved cost effectively with a VELUX skylight and flashing replacement. Since flashing leaks are more labor intensive, the labor involved with replacing the skylight at the same time is relatively insignificant.
By replacing the skylight along with the flashing, you will gain all the advantages of modern design principles, a 10-year NO LEAK warranty on product AND installation including no glass breakage due to hail up to 2″ in dia. And peace of mind.
Typically indications of outdated design issues. Expect to replace the skylight.
Condensation leaks are typically indications of outdated design issues. Expect to replace the skylight. Caulked or plugged weep holes can be cleared, if that is the issue.